Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Buy your OWN darn coffee!

My wife told me of a news report today regarding how much money was spent by the house in coffee, donuts and other pastries. Here's the story.

The one thing I get the most frustrated over is the debt, that massive figure that grows by the second. No matter how great we are as a people, no matter how responsible and upstanding we are, our legacy that we are leaving to our future is the debt we are creating. This is what we leave our children, grandchildren, neighbors children, etc. Let me tell you, the debt really doesn't care your race, sex, religion, or political status. One day everyone will have to come to terms with it.

If the government can 'create' anything, it is debt. Hands down, no question. This small amount that the story references  is nothing though, at least that's what the politicians say. Just a drop in the bucket... stopping this would do nothing to the overall picture, right? I disagree and very much so! What is a bucket of water made of? yep, many drops of water! Good for you if you guessed that one! I say that you have to start somewhere, or you will never get going. I sincerely believe that if all unnecessary spending was stopped we could stop accruing the debt and start paying it down instead.

 My wife stated that her company would provide coffee for employees (not excusing the behavior of our elected officials, but in general discussion) and take it away when things got tight within the company. Problem is, this situation would be like the employees using the company credit card to buy everyone coffee and thinking they have the right to do so. Also, the g'ment wouldn't think to slow spending in tough times. For them it's a reason to raise taxes! 'I know, let's raise taxes to pay off debt but raise the spending limit along with it. I mean, really. What the h-e-double hockey sticks do we need a debt ceiling for? Why cut spending when we can just steal more money from tax payers?'

Here is the problem. You cannot tell a politician that it's not his money (remember you didn't build that?). This is what absolutely bends me about politicians. They will make excuse after excuse about the national debt and their out-of-control spending while at the same time penalizing, fining, jailing, and harassing those that make minor mistakes. If the government was held to the same standard (or ANY for that matter) as Ford, BP, or any other private company there would be no deficit. There would be no massive taxation. 

How about instead of cutting military benefits you stop THIS kind of utter stupidity! Why is the military the go-to when it comes to cuts in spending? Better yet, why is it the ones facing death and coming back with PTSD, limbs missing, and other issues? The ones that volunteer, sacrificing time with their families to protect and defend our way of life? Why not some of you up on the hill take a hit on something? How about the pentagon? The personnel there could use a pay cut, or less benefits. Hey, how about you bring your own lunches and get rid of all the cafeterias I see in these buildings!

So, to sum up:
Politicians lie, think it's their money, spend it stupidly, they only create debt, they hold everyone but themselves accountable, they won't cut the wasteful spending, they WILL cut benefits of those that deserve it most, and finally, I seriously have no idea how they can lie to our faces, do what they do and still get reelected... Oh, you want an example of this? How about...

"We have to pass it to see what's in it!"

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